Universe- Magic world



Hello Readers, Good morning

Universe - Magic World try doing an experiment by saying OM and connect with the universe as told you in the previous chapter you will get from the universe. see the result first you have to start your day in the early morning, praying to tell me are not getting happiness If yes I am happy. When you start doing this your family will also start and follow you what you do and the universe will listen to your prayer you will be full of energy when you will go to your work and see the face of the Boss it will look dull and if you are the Boss see the face of staff and client it will look dull do you know why as you woke early morning you chant OM and you got connected with Universe Bells this is Universe Magic world. I  am can see the lovely smile on your face wow it's Amazing this is the first result to say Thanks to the universe.

Now feel someone is taking utmost care of you and your family feel the presence close your eyes see the sky with closed eyes in the early morning close at least for ten minutes now you open your eyes rub your hand and touch your eyes now tell honestly to yourself what you feel. Try every day and do it consistently and see the magical world result and ask your family members to discuss with them only first you and your family members convinced only then you can convince others. The author wants to see you happy and full of positivity in you and your smile is very important to pray also god's universe gives you everything in life. Universe -Magic world works this you always keep in mind and be positive

Hope you are feeling good, confident, full of energy, stress-free, and Perfectly alright this is my desire you live happily. Amazing Results will come to you do it on regular basis with positive energy and a mindset to follow as I say.

Universe magic world is having surprises for you and your family hello Universe - The magic world our family has full faith as you are with us pray this every moment and don't be negative commit your self and Always be grateful to Universe - Magic world and see Amazing results in your life and see how god showers the happiness in your life hope Author is able to explain nicely and you are hundred percent convince with him and when you get good results then tell to friends, Relatives, and knowns and bring happiness in their life also remove all negative persons, negative elements from your home remove all those stuff which you are not using it for the long or broken mirror, etc 

Dear life is beautiful and enjoys every moment of life now you are very happy this I want from the core of my heart and god bless you and your Family's message from the Universe. Hope you like reading.


Rakesh Aneja
